2020.3.15 update
2020.3.15 2020.3.5に下記の適用除外用途の更新が公開されました。
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | 備考 | |||
Ⅳ | 37 | Pb | Lead in platinized platinum electrodes used for conductivity measurements where at least one of the following conditions applies: | 次の条件に使用される導電率測定に使用される白金めっき電極中の鉛。 | Expires on 31 December 2018 | 2018/12/31まで | 2014.3.13 官報L148追加 |
(a) wide-range measurements with a conductivity range covering more than 1 order of magnitude (e.g. range between 0,1mS/m and 5mS/m) in laboratory applications for unknown concentrations; | (a)未知の濃度を測定する実験室用途で、導電率の範囲を1桁以上をカバーする(例 0.1mS/mから5mS/mへの範囲)ワイドレンジ型測定器 | ||||||
(b) measurements of solutions where an accuracy of +/- 1% of the sample range and where high corrosion resistance of the electrode are required for any of the following:(i) solutions with an acidity<pH1; (ii) solutions with an alkalinity>pH 13; (iii) corrosive solutions containing halogen gas; |
(b)±1%の精度と次に示した電極の高耐食性が必要とされる溶液の測定器(ⅰ)酸性度 |
(c) measurements of conductivities above 100mS/m that must be performed with portable instruments. | (c)ポータブル機器で測定しなければならない100mS/m以上の導電率測定器 |
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | 備考 | |||
Ⅳ | 37 | Pb | Lead in platinized platinum electrodes used for conductivity measurements where at least one of the following conditions applies: | 次の条件に使用される導電率測定に使用される白金めっき電極中の鉛。 | Expires on 31 December 2025 | 2025/12/31まで | 2020.3.5官報L67置き換え |
(a)wide-range measurements with a conductivity range covering more than 1 order of magnitude (e.g. range between 0,1 mS/m and 5 mS/m) in laboratory applications for unknown concentrations; | (a)未知の濃度を測定する実験室用途で、導電率の範囲を1桁以上をカバーする(例 0.1mS/mから5mS/mへの範囲)ワイドレンジ型測定器 | ||||||
(b)measurements of solutions where an accuracy of +/? 1 % of the sample range and where high corrosion resistance of the electrode are required for any of the following:(i)solutions with an acidity < pH 1;(ii)solutions with an alkalinity > pH 13;(iii)corrosive solutions containing halogen gas; |
(b)±1%の精度と次に示した電極の高耐食性が必要とされる溶液の測定器(ⅰ)酸性度 |
(c)measurements of conductivities above 100 mS/m that must be performed with portable instruments. | (c)ポータブル機器で測定しなければならない100mS/m以上の導電率測定器 |
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | 備考 | |||
Ⅲ | 9 | Cr6+ | Hexavalent chromium as an anticorrosion agent of the carbon steel cooling system in absorption refrigerators up to 0,75% by weight in the cooling solution | 吸収式冷凍機の炭素鋼冷却システムの防食剤として、0.75wt%以下の6価クロム |
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | 備考 | |||
Ⅲ | 9 | Cr6+ | Hexavalent chromium as an anticorrosion agent of the carbon steel cooling system in absorption refrigerators up to 0,75 % by weight in the cooling solution | 吸収式冷凍機の炭素鋼冷却システムの防食剤として、0.75wt%以下の6価クロム |
Applies to categories 8, 9 and 11 and expires on:
-21 July 2023 for category 8 in vitro diagnostic medical devices,
-21 July 2024 for category 9 industrial monitoring and control instruments, and for category 11. |
カテゴリー9の産業用監視制御装置とカテゴリー11 |
2020.3.5官報L67置き換え |
Ⅲ | 9(a)-I | Cr6+ | Up to 0,75 % hexavalent chromium by weight, used as an anticorrosion agent in the cooling solution of carbon steel cooling systems of absorption refrigerators (including minibars) designed to operate fully or partly with electrical heater, having an average utilised power input < 75 W at constant running conditions | 一定のランニング条件で75W未満の平均使用電力である電気ヒーターを完全または部分的に設計された吸収式冷凍機(ミニバーを含む)の炭素鋼冷却システムの防食剤として使用される0.75wt%以下の6価クロム | Applies to categories 1-7 and 10 and expires on 5 March 2021. | カテゴリー1-7,10に適用。2021/3/5まで | 2020.3.5官報L67置き換え |
Ⅲ | 9(a)-II | Cr6+ | Up to 0,75 % hexavalent chromium by weight, used as an anticorrosion agent in the cooling solution of carbon steel cooling systems of absorption refrigerators:-designed to operate fully or partly with electrical heater, having an average utilised power input ≧ 75 W at constant running conditions,-designed to fully operate with non-electrical heater. |
-電気ヒーターなしで完全に設計されたもの。 |
Applies to categories 1-7 and 10 and expires on 21 July 2021.’ | カテゴリー1-7,10に適用。2021/7/21まで | 2020.3.5官報L67置き換え |
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | 備考 | |||
Ⅳ | 44 | Cd | Cadmium in radiation tolerant video camera tubes designed for cameras with a centre resolution greater than 450 TV lines which are used in environments with ionising radiation exposure exceeding 100 Gy/hour and a total dose in excess of 100kGy. | 100Gy/hと全体で100kGyを超えるイオン化放射線暴露環境下で使用された450TV Line以上の水平解像度のカメラとして設計された放射線耐性ビデオカメラの撮像管中のカドミウム | Applies to category 9. Expires on 31 March 2027. | カテゴリー9に適用。2027/3/31まで | 2020.3.5官報L67追加 |
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | 備考 | |||
Ⅲ | 41 | Pb | Lead in solders and termination finishes of electrical and electronic components and finishes of printed circuit boards used in ignition modules and other electrical and electronic engine control systems, which for technical reasons must be mounted directly on or in the crankcase or cylinder of hand-held combustion engines (classes SH:1, SH:2, SH:3 of Directive 97/68/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council | 電気電子部品のはんだ、端子処理部、点火モジュールやその他電気電子エンジンコントロールシステムに使用されるプリント配線基板の端子部中の鉛で、技術的な理由で直接、もしくは小型の燃焼機関(指令97/68/ECのクラスSH:1、SH:2、SH:3)のクランケースかシリンダーに取り付けなければならないもの。 | Expires on 31 December 2018 | 2018/12/31まで | 2014.3.13 官報L148追加 |
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | 備考 | |||
Ⅲ | 41 | Pb | Lead in solders and termination finishes of electrical and electronic components and finishes of printed circuit boards used in ignition modules and other electrical and electronic engine control systems, which for technical reasons must be mounted directly on or in the crankcase or cylinder of hand-held combustion engines (classes SH:1, SH:2, SH:3 of Directive 97/68/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council | 電気電子部品のはんだ、端子処理部、点火モジュールやその他電気電子エンジンコントロールシステムに使用されるプリント配線基板の端子部中の鉛で、技術的な理由で直接、もしくは小型の燃焼機関(指令97/68/ECのクラスSH:1、SH:2、SH:3)のクランケースかシリンダーに取り付けなければならないもの。 |
Applies to all categories and expires on:
-31 March 2022 for categories 1 to 7, 10 and 11;
-21 July 2021 for categories 8 and 9 other than in vitro diagnostic medical devices and industrial monitoring and control instruments;
-21 July 2023 for category 8 in vitro diagnostic medical devices;
-21 July 2024 for category 9 industrial monitoring and control instruments. |
カテゴリー9の産業用監視制御装置 |
2020.3.5官報L67置き換え |
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | 備考 | |||
Ⅳ | 41 | Pb | Lead as a thermal stabiliser in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) used as base material in amperometric, potentiometric and conductometric electrochemical sensors which are used in in-vitro diagnostic medical devices for the analysis of blood and other body fluids and body gases. | 血液やその他体液、体内ガスの分析用の体外診断用医療機器に使用された電流測定、電位測定、導電性電気化学センサーの基盤材料としてポリ塩化ビニル(PVC)の熱安定剤としての鉛 | Expires on 31 December 2018 | 2018/12/31/まで | 2015.1.30 官報L94追加 |
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | 備考 | |||
Ⅳ | 41 | Pb | Lead as a thermal stabiliser in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) used as base material in amperometric, potentiometric and conductometric electrochemical sensors which are used in in-vitro diagnostic medical devices for the analysis of blood and other body fluids and body gases. | 血液やその他体液、体内ガスの分析用の体外診断用医療機器に使用された電流測定、電位測定、導電性電気化学センサーの基盤材料としてポリ塩化ビニル(PVC)の熱安定剤としての鉛 | Expires on 31 March 2022. | 2022/3/31まで | 2020.3.5官報L67置き換え |