2020.3.15 update
2020.3.15 2020.3.5適用除外更新分を反映しました。
2018.5.26 一部表現など変更
カテゴリー8 Medical devices(医療機器)
カテゴリー9 Monitoring and control instruments including industrial monitoring and control instruments
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | 備考 | ||
1 | Pb Cd Hg | Lead, cadmium and mercury in detectors for ionising radiation. | 電離放射線の検出器に含まれる鉛、カドミウム、水銀 | |||
2 | Pb | Lead bearings in X-ray tubes. | X線管の鉛ベアリング | |||
3 | Pb | Lead in electromagnetic radiation amplification devices: micro-channel plate and capillary plate. | 電磁放射増幅デバイス(マイクロチャンネルプレート、キャピラリープレート)中の鉛 | |||
4 | Pb | Lead in glass frit of X-ray tubes and image intensifiers and lead in glass frit binder for assembly of gas lasers and for vacuum tubes that convert electromagnetic radiation into electrons. | X線管とイメージインテンシファイアーのガラスフリット中の鉛、ガスレーザーの組み立てや電磁放射線を電子に変換する真空管用のガラスフリットバインダー中の鉛。 | |||
5 | Pb | Lead in shielding for ionising radiation. | 電離放射線の遮蔽用の鉛 | |||
6 | Pb | Lead in X-ray test objects. | X線試験物品中の鉛 | |||
7 | Pb | Lead stearate X-ray diffraction crystals. | ステアリン酸鉛 X線回折結晶 | |||
8 | Cd | Radioactive cadmium isotope source for portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometers. | ポータブルX線蛍光分光装置用の放射性カドミウム同位体 |
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | 備考 | ||
1a. | Pd Cd | Lead and cadmium in ion selective electrodes including glass of pH electrodes. | pH電極のガラスを含むイオン選択電極中の鉛およびカドミウム | |||
1b. | Pb | Lead anodes in electrochemical oxygen sensors. | 電気化学の酸素センサーの鉛陽極 | |||
1c. | Pb Cd Hg | Lead, cadmium and mercury in infra-red light detectors. | 赤外線検出器の鉛、カドミウム、水銀 | |||
1d. | Hg | Mercury in reference electrodes: low chloride mercury chloride, mercury sulphate and mercury oxide. | 基準電極中の水銀:低塩素の塩化水銀、硫化水銀、酸化水銀 |
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限(日本語参考訳) | 備考 | ||
9 | Cd | Cadmium in helium-cadmium lasers. | ヘリウム-カドミウムレーザーに含まれるカドミウム | |||
10 | Pb Cd | Lead and cadmium in atomic absorption spectroscopy lamps. | 原子吸収スペクトルランプに含まれる鉛、カドミウム | |||
11 | Pb | Lead in alloys as a superconductor and thermal conductor in MRI. | MRIの超伝導体および熱伝導体として用いられる合金中の鉛 | |||
12 | Pb Cd | Lead and cadmium in metallic bonds to superconducting materials in MRI and SQUID detectors. | MRIとSQUID検出器の超伝導物質の金属接着剤中の鉛およびカドミウム | 現在は削除無効 |
2013.10.18 |
12 | Pb Cd | Lead and cadmium in metallic bonds creating superconducting magnetic circuits in MRI, SQUID, NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) or FTMS (Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometer) detectors. | MRI、SQUID、NMR(核磁気共鳴機器)もしくはFTMS(フーリエ変換質量分析計)の検出器の超伝導磁気回路を構成する金属接着剤中の鉛、カドミウム | Expires on 30 June 2021 | 2021/6/30まで |
2013.10.18 |
13 | Pb | Lead in counterweights. | カウンターウェイト中の鉛 | |||
14 | Pb | Lead in single crystal piezoelectric materials for ultrasonic transducers. | 超音波トランスデューサー用の単結晶圧電材料に使用される鉛 | |||
15 | Pb | Lead in solders for bonding to ultrasonic transducers. | 超音波トランスデューサー用の接合用はんだ中の鉛 | |||
16 | Hg | Mercury in very high accuracy capacitance and loss measurement bridges and in high frequency RF switches and relays in monitoring and control instruments not exceeding 20mg of mercury per switch or relay. | 高性能キャパシタンス、損失測定ブリッジ、高周波RFスイッチ、監視制御機器中の水銀で、スイッチ、リレーあたり20mgを超えないこと。 | |||
17 | Pb | Lead in solders in portable emergency defibrillators. | ポータブル除細動器のはんだ中の鉛 | |||
18 | Pb | Lead in solders of high performance infrared imaging modules to detect in the range 8-14μm. | 8-14μmの波長で検出される高性能赤外線映像装置のはんだ中の鉛 | |||
19 | Pb | Lead in Liquid crystal on silicon (LCoS) displays. | LCoSディスプレイの鉛 | |||
20 | Cd | Cadmium in X-ray measurement filters. | X線測定フィルター中のカドミウム | |||
21 | Cd | Cadmium in phosphor coatings in image intensifiers for X-ray images | X線画像用イメージインテンシファイアの蛍光コーティング中のカドミウム |
until 31 December 2019
and in spare parts for X-ray systems placed on the EU market before 1 January 2020. |
以降は2020/1/1以前にEUに上市されたX線システムの補修部品のみ有効 |
2013.10.18 |
22 | Pb | Lead acetate marker for use in stereotactic head frames for use with CT and MRI and in positioning systems for gamma beam and particle therapy equipment. | CTやMRI用の定位ヘッドフレーム用途やガンマ線および粒子線治療装置のポジショニングシステム用途に使用される酢酸鉛マーカー | Expires on 30 June 2021 | 2021/6/30まで |
2013.10.18 |
23 | Pb | Lead as an alloying element for bearings and wear surfaces in medical equipment exposed to ionising radiation. | 電離放射線にさらされる医療機器のベアリングおよび摩擦面用の合金要素としての鉛 | Expires on 30 June 2021 | 2021/6/30まで |
2013.10.18 |
24 | Pb | Lead enabling vacuum tight connections between aluminium and steel in X-ray image intensifiers. | X線イメージインテンシファイアのアルミニウムと鋼鉄を真空下で機密に接続を可能にする鉛 | Expires on 31 December 2019 |
無効 |
2013.10.18 |
25 | Pb | Lead in the surface coatings of pin connector systems requiring nonmagnetic connectors which are used durably at a temperature below -20℃ under normal operating and storage conditions. | 通常使用保管条件下で-20℃を下回る温度で恒久的に使用される非磁性コネクタを必要とするピンコネクタシステムの表面コーティング中の鉛 | Expires on 30 June 2021 | 2021/6/30まで |
2013.10.18 |
26 | Pb | Lead in- solders on printed circuit boards,- termination coatings of electrical and electronic components and coatings of printed circuit boards,-solders for connecting wires and cables,- solders connecting transducers and sensors,that are used durably at a temperature below-20℃ under normal operating and storage conditions. | 通常の使用保管条件下で-20℃を下回る温度で使用されるプリント配線基板のはんだ電気電子部品とプリント配線基板の端子コーティング接合ワイヤ、ケーブルのはんだ接合トランデューサー、センサのはんだ中の鉛 | Expires on 30 June 2021 |
2021/6/30まで |
2013.10.18 |
26 | Pb | Lead in the following applications that are used durably at a temperature below -20℃ under normal operating and storage conditions: | 通常使用保管条件下で-20℃を下回る温度で恒久的に使用される以下の用途中の鉛 | These exemptions expire on 30 June 2021 | 2021/6/30まで |
2016.4.19 |
(a) solders on printed circuit boards; |
(a)プリント配線基板のはんだ |
27 | Pb |
Lead in- solders,- termination coatings of electrical and electronic components and printed circuit boards,- connections of electrical wires, shields and enclosed connectors,which are used in
(a) magnetic fields within the sphere of 1m radius around the isocentre of the magnet in medical magnetic resonance imaging equipment, including patient monitors designed to be used within this sphere, or
(b) magnetic fields within 1m distance from the external surfaces of cyclotron magnets, magnets for beam transport and beam direction control applied for particle therapy. |
(b)サイクロトロン磁気、粒子線治療に使用されるビーム搬送、ビーム方向制御のための磁気から1m以内の磁場 |
Expires on 30 June 2020 | 2020/6/30まで |
2013.10.18 |
28 | Pb | Lead in solders for mounting cadmium telluride and cadmium zinc telluride digital array detectors to printed circuit boards. | プリント配線基板のデジタルアレイ検出器にテルル化カドミウムおよびテルル化カドミウム亜鉛を実装したはんだ中の鉛 | Expires on 31 December 2017 |
無効 |
2013.10.18 |
29 | Pb | Lead in alloys, as a superconductor or thermal conductor, used in cryo-cooler cold heads and/or in cryo-cooled cold probes and/or in cryo-cooled equipotential bonding systems, in medical devices (category 8) and/or in industrial monitoring and control instruments. | カテゴリー8の医療機器か、産業用監視制御機器における低温冷却器の冷却ヘッド、冷却プローブ、冷却等電位ボンディングシステムに使用される超伝導体か熱伝導体として合金中の鉛。 | Expires on 30 June 2021 | 2021/6/30まで |
2013.10.18 |
30 | Cr6+ | Hexavalent chromium in alkali dispensers used to create photocathodes in X-ray image intensifiers | X線イメージインテンシファイアの光電陰極を作製するのに使用されるアルカリディスペンサ中の6価クロム |
until 31 December 2019
and in spare parts for X-ray systems placed on the EU market before 1 January 2020 |
以降は2020/1/1以前にEUに上市されたX線システムの補修部品のみ有効 |
2013.10.18 |
31 | Pb Cd Cr6+ | Lead, cadmium and hexavalent chromium in reused spare parts, recovered from medical devices placed on the market before 22 July 2014 and used in category 8 equipment placed on the market before 22 July 2021, provided that reuse takes place in auditable closed-loop business-to-business return systems, and that the reuse of parts is notified to the consumer. | 再利用スペアパーツ中の鉛、カドミウム、6価クロムで、2014/7/22以前に上市された医療デバイスから回収されたもの2021/7/22以前に上市されたカテゴリー8の機器に使用されたもの再利用がクローズドなBtoB返却システムで行われた、もしくは部品の再利用が顧客へ通知されたものを供給したもの | Expires on 21 July 2021 |
2021/7/21まで |
2016.2.12 |
31a | Pb Cd Cr6+ PBDE | Lead, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) in spare parts recovered from and used for the repair or refurbishment of medical devices, including in vitro diagnostic medical devices, or electron microscopes and their accessories, provided that the reuse takes place in auditable closed-loop business-to-business return systems and that each reuse of parts is notified to the customer. | 体外診断用や電子顕微鏡やそのアクセサリーを含む医療機器の修理等に使用されたスペア部品中の鉛、カドミウム、6価クロム、ポリ臭化ジフェニルエーテル(PBDE)で、再利用がクローズドなBtoB返却システムで行われた、もしくは部品の再利用が顧客へ通知されたものを供給されたもの。 |
(a) 21 July 2021 for the use in medical devices other than in vitro diagnostic medical devices;
(b) 21 July 2023 for the use in in vitro diagnostic medical devices;
(c) 21 July 2024 for the use in electron microscopes and their accessories |
(c)電子顕微鏡やその他アクセサリーは2024/7/21まで |
2016.2.12 |
32 | Pb | Lead in solders on printed circuit boards of detectors and data acquisition units for Positron Emission Tomographs which are integrated into Magnetic Resonance Imaging equipment. | MRI機器に組み込まれたポジトロン断層法のための検出器およびデータ採取部品のプリント配線基板のはんだ中の鉛。 | Expires on 31 December 2019 |
無効 |
2013.10.18 |
33 | Pb | Lead in solders on populated printed circuit boards used in Directive 93/42/EEC class IIa and IIb mobile medical devices other than portable emergency defibrillators. | 携帯非常用除細動器を除く指令93/42/EECのクラスⅡaおよびⅡbのモバイル医療機器に使用される実装されたプリント配線基板のはんだ中の鉛。 |
Expires on 30 June 2016 for class Ⅱa
and on 31 December 2020 for class Ⅱb |
クラスⅡa 2016/6/30まで
クラスⅡb |
2013.10.18 |
34 | Pb | Lead as an activator in the fluorescent powder of discharge lamps when used for extracorporeal photopheresis lamps containing BSP (BaSi2O5:Pb) phosphors. | BSP蛍光体に含まれる体外フォトフォーラスに使用される放電ランプの蛍光粉末中の活性剤としての鉛 | Expires on 22 July 2021 | 2021/7/21まで |
2013.10.18 |
35 | Hg | Mercury in cold cathode fluorescent lamps for back-lighting liquid crystal displays, not exceeding 5mg per lamp, used in industrial monitoring and control instruments placed on the market before 22 July 2017 | 2017/7/22以前に上市された産業用監視制御機器に使用される液晶ディスプレイのバックライト用低温陰極蛍光ランプ中の水銀。ランプあたり5mg未満。 | Expires on 21 July 2024 | 2024/7/21まで |
2014.3.13 |
36 | Pb | Lead used in other than C-press compliant pin connector systems for industrial monitoring and control instruments. | 産業用監視制御機器用として、C-プレスコンプライアントピンコネクタシステム以外に使用されている鉛 |
Expires on 31 December 2020.
May be used after that date in spare parts for industrial monitoring and control instruments placed on the market before 1 January 2021 |
以降は2021/1/1以前に上市された産業用監視制御機器の補修部品のみ有効 |
2014.3.13 |
37 | Pb | Lead in platinized platinum electrodes used for conductivity measurements where at least one of the following conditions applies: | 次の条件に使用される導電率測定に使用される白金めっき電極中の鉛。 | Expires on 31 December 2018 | 2018/12/31まで |
2014.3.13 |
(a) wide-range measurements with a conductivity range covering more than 1 order of magnitude (e.g. range between 0,1mS/m and 5mS/m) in laboratory applications for unknown concentrations; | (a)未知の濃度を測定する実験室用途で、導電率の範囲を1桁以上をカバーする(例 0.1mS/mから5mS/mへの範囲)ワイドレンジ型測定器 | |||||
(b) measurements of solutions where an accuracy of +/- 1% of the sample range and where high corrosion resistance of the electrode are required for any of the following:(i) solutions with an acidity<pH1; (ii) solutions with an alkalinity>pH 13; (iii) corrosive solutions containing halogen gas; | (b)±1%の精度と次に示した電極の高耐食性が必要とされる溶液の測定器(ⅰ)酸性度<pH1 (ⅱ)アルカリ度>pH13 (ⅲ)ハロゲンガスを含む腐食性溶液 | |||||
(c) measurements of conductivities above 100mS/m that must be performed with portable instruments. | (c)ポータブル機器で測定しなければならない100mS/m以上の導電率測定器 | |||||
37 | Pb | Lead in platinized platinum electrodes used for conductivity measurements where at least one of the following conditions applies: | 次の条件に使用される導電率測定に使用される白金めっき電極中の鉛。 | Expires on 31 December 2025 | 2025/12/31まで |
2020.3.5 |
(a) wide-range measurements with a conductivity range covering more than 1 order of magnitude (e.g. range between 0,1mS/m and 5mS/m) in laboratory applications for unknown concentrations; | (a)未知の濃度を測定する実験室用途で、導電率の範囲を1桁以上をカバーする(例 0.1mS/mから5mS/mへの範囲)ワイドレンジ型測定器 | |||||
(b) measurements of solutions where an accuracy of +/- 1% of the sample range and where high corrosion resistance of the electrode are required for any of the following:(i) solutions with an acidity<pH1; (ii) solutions with an alkalinity>pH 13; (iii) corrosive solutions containing halogen gas; | (b)±1%の精度と次に示した電極の高耐食性が必要とされる溶液の測定器(ⅰ)酸性度<pH1 (ⅱ)アルカリ度>pH13 (ⅲ)ハロゲンガスを含む腐食性溶液 | |||||
(c) measurements of conductivities above 100mS/m that must be performed with portable instruments. | (c)ポータブル機器で測定しなければならない100mS/m以上の導電率測定器 | |||||
38 | Pb | Lead in solder in one interface of large area stacked die elements with more than 500 interconnects per interface which are used in X-ray detectors of computed tomography and X-ray systems. | コンピュータ断層撮影装置のX線検出器とX線システムに使用されるインターフェースにつき500以上接続される広範囲の積層素子の1つのインターフェースに含まれるはんだ中の鉛 |
Expires on 31 December 2019.
May be used after that date in spare parts for CT and X-ray systems placed onthe market before 1 January 2020 |
以降は2020/1/1以前の上市されたCTとX線システムの補修部品のみ有効 |
2014.3.13 |
39 | Pb | Lead in micro-channel plates (MCPs) used in equipment where at least one of the following properties is present: | 次に示す性質を少なくとも有する機器に使用されるマイクロチャンネルプレート(MCPs)中の鉛 |
The exemption expires on the following dates:
(a) 21 July 2021 for medical devices and monitoring and control instruments;
(b) 21 July 2023 for in-vitro diagnostic medical devices;
(c) 21 July 2024 for industrial monitoring and control instruments. |
(c)産業用監視制御機器は2024/7/21まで |
2014.3.13 |
(a) a compact size of the detector for electrons or ions, where the space for the detector is limited to a maximum of 3mm/MCP (detector thickness + space for installation of the MCP), a maximum of 6mm in total, and an alternative design yielding more space for the detector is scientifically and technically impracticable; | (a)コンパクトサイズの電子もしくはイオンの検出器、検出器のスペースは最大3mm/MCP(検出器の厚さ+MCPの設置スペース)に限定され、全体で最大6mm、そして検出器のスペースをとることが科学的、技術的に不可能な設計であること。 | |||||
(b) a two-dimensional spatial resolution for detecting electrons or ions, where at least one of the following applies: | (b)電子やイオンを検出するための2次元空間分解能、少なくとも次に示したもの | |||||
(i) a response time shorter than 25ns; (ii) a sample detection area larger than 149mm2; (iii) a multiplication factor larger than 1,3×10^3. | (ⅰ)25nsより短い応答時間、(ⅱ)149mm2より大きいサンプルの検出面積、(ⅲ) 1.3×10^3以上の増幅係数 | |||||
(c) a response time shorter than 5ns for detecting electrons or ions; | (c)電子やイオンを検出のための応答時間が5nsより短い。 | |||||
(d) a sample detection area larger than 314mm2 for detecting electrons or ions; | (d)電子やイオンの検出のためのサンプル検出面積が314mm2より大きい | |||||
(e) a multiplication factor larger than 4,0×10^7. | (e)4.0×10^7以上の増幅係数 | |||||
40 | Pb | Lead in dielectric ceramic in capacitors for a rated voltage of less than 125V AC or 250V DC for industrial monitoring and control instruments. | 産業用監視制御機器に使用されるAC125VもしくはDC250V未満の定格電圧のコンデンサの誘電セラミック中の鉛 |
Expires on 31 December 2020.
May be used after that date in spare parts for industrial monitoring and control instruments placed on the market before 1 January 2021 |
以降は上市された産業用監視制御機器の補修部品のみ有効 |
2014.3.13 |
41 | Pb | Lead as a thermal stabiliser in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) used as base material in amperometric, potentiometric and conductometric electrochemical sensors which are used in in-vitro diagnostic medical devices for the analysis of blood and other body fluids and body gases. | 血液やその他体液、体内ガスの分析用の体外診断用医療機器に使用された電流測定、電位測定、導電性電気化学センサーの基盤材料としてポリ塩化ビニル(PVC)の熱安定剤としての鉛 | Expires on 31 December 2018 | 2018/12/31まで |
2020.3.5 削除 |
41 | Pb | Lead as a thermal stabiliser in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) used as base material in amperometric, potentiometric and conductometric electrochemical sensors which are used in in-vitro diagnostic medical devices for the analysis of blood and other body fluids and body gases. | 血液やその他体液、体内ガスの分析用の体外診断用医療機器に使用された電流測定、電位測定、導電性電気化学センサーの基盤材料としてポリ塩化ビニル(PVC)の熱安定剤としての鉛 | Expires on 31 March 2022. | 2022/3/31まで |
2020.3.5 |
42 | Hg | Mercury in electric rotating connectors used in intravascular ultrasound imaging systems capable of high operating frequency (>50MHz) modes of operation. | 高周波モード(50MHz)が可能な血管内の超音波イメージングシステムに使用される電気回転コネクタ中の水銀 | Expires on 30 June 2019 | 2019/6/30まで |
2015.1.30 |
43 | Cd | Cadmium anodes in Hersch cells for oxygen sensors used in industrial monitoring and control instruments, where sensitivity below 10ppm is required | 10ppm以下の感度が必要とされる産業用監視制御機器に使用される酸素センサーのためのHerschセル用のカドミウム陽極 | Expires on 15 July 2023 | 2023/7/15まで |
2016.4.19 |
44 | Cd | Cadmium in radiation tolerant video camera tubes designed for cameras with a centre resolution greater than 450 TV lines which are used in environments with ionising radiation exposure exceeding 100 Gy/hour and a total dose in excess of 100kGy. | 100Gy/hと全体で100kGyを超えるイオン化放射線暴露環境下で使用された450TV Line以上の水平解像度のカメラとして設計された放射線耐性ビデオカメラの撮像管中のカドミウム | Applies to category 9. Expires on 31 March 2027. |
カテゴリー9に適用。 |
2020.3.5 |