2019.2.11 update
2019.2.11 2019.2.5に下記の適用除外用途の更新が公開されました。
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | ||
7(c)-II | Pb | Lead in dielectric ceramic in capacitors for a rated voltage of 125V AC or 250V DC or higher | 定格電圧AC125V、DC250V以上のコンデンサの誘電セラミック中の鉛 |
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | ||
7(c)-II | Pb | Lead in dielectric ceramic in capacitors for a rated voltage of 125 V AC or 250 V DC or higher | 定格電圧AC125V、DC250V以上のコンデンサの誘電セラミック中の鉛 |
Does not apply to applications covered by point 7(c)-I and 7(c)-IV of this Annex.
Expires on:
-21 July 2021 for categories 8 and 9 other than in vitro diagnostic medical devices and industrial monitoring and control instruments;
-21 July 2023 for category 8 in vitro diagnostic medical devices;
-21 July 2024 for category 9 industrial monitoring and control instruments, and for category 11.’ |
カテゴリー9の産業用監視制御装置とカテゴリー11 |
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | ||
7(c)-IV | Pb | Lead in PZT based dielectric ceramic materials for capacitors which are part of integrated circuits or discrete semiconductors | 集積回路またはディスクリート半導体の部品のコンデンサ用誘電セラミック材料であるジルコン酸チタン酸鉛中の鉛 | Expires on 21 July 2016 | 2016/7/21まで |
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | ||
7(c)-IV | Pb | Lead in PZT based dielectric ceramic materials for capacitors which are part of integrated circuits or discrete semiconductors | 集積回路またはディスクリート半導体の部品のコンデンサ用誘電セラミック材料であるジルコン酸チタン酸鉛中の鉛 |
Expires on:
-21 July 2021 for categories 8 and 9 other than in vitro diagnostic medical devices and industrial monitoring and control instruments;
-21 July 2023 for category 8 in vitro diagnostic medical devices;
-21 July 2024 for category 9 industrial monitoring and control instruments, and for category 11 |
カテゴリー9の産業用監視制御装置とカテゴリー11 |
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | ||
8(b) | Cd | Cadmium and its compounds in electrical contacts | 電気接点中のカドミウムおよびその化合物 |
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | ||
8(b) | Cd | Cadmium and its compounds in electrical contacts | 電気接点中のカドミウムおよびその化合物 |
Applies to categories 8, 9 and 11 and expires on:
-21 July 2021 for categories 8 and 9 other than in vitro diagnostic medical devices and industrial monitoring and control instruments;
-21 July 2023 for category 8 in vitro diagnostic medical devices;
-21 July 2024 for category 9 industrial monitoring and control instruments, and for category 11. |
カテゴリー9の産業用監視制御装置とカテゴリー11 |
8(b)-I |
Cadmium and its compounds in electrical contacts used in:
-circuit breakers |
-ブレーカー |
Applies to categories 1 to 7 and 10 and expires on 21 July 2021. |
1-7,10のカテゴリーに適用。 |
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | ||
15 | Pb | Lead in solders to complete a viable electrical connection between semiconductor die and carrier within integrated circuit flip chip packages | ICフリップチップパッケージの半導体ダイとキャリア間の電気接続用はんだ中の鉛 |
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | ||
15 | Pb | Lead in solders to complete a viable electrical connection between semiconductor die and carrier within integrated circuit flip chip packages | ICフリップチップパッケージの半導体ダイとキャリア間の電気接続用はんだ中の鉛 |
Applies to categories 8, 9 and 11 and expires on:
-21 July 2021 for categories 8 and 9 other than in vitro diagnostic medical devices and industrial monitoring and control instruments;
-21 July 2023 for category 8 in vitro diagnostic medical devices;
-21 July 2024 for category 9 industrial monitoring and control instruments, and for category 11. |
カテゴリー9の産業用監視制御装置とカテゴリー11 |
15(a) | Pb |
Lead in solders to complete a viable electrical connection between the semiconductor die and carrier within integrated circuit flip chip packages where at least one of the following criteria applies: |
少なくとも次の基準のうちの一つに適用されるICフリップチップパッケージの半導体ダイとキャリア間の電気接続用はんだ中の鉛 |
Applies to categories 1 to 7 and 10 and expires on 21 July 2021 |
1-7,10のカテゴリーに適用。 |
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | ||
21 | Pb Cd | Lead and cadmium in printing inks for the application of enamels on glasses, such as borosilicate and soda lime glasses | ホウケイ酸塩とソーダ灰ガラスのようなガラス上のエナメル塗布用の印刷インク中の鉛とカドミウム |
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | ||
21 | Pb Cd | Lead and cadmium in printing inks for the application of enamels on glasses, such as borosilicate and soda lime glasses | ホウケイ酸塩とソーダ灰ガラスのようなガラス上のエナメル塗布用の印刷インク中の鉛とカドミウム |
Applies to categories 8, 9 and 11 and expires on:
-21 July 2021 for categories 8 and 9 other than in vitro diagnostic medical devices and industrial monitoring and control instruments;
-21 July 2023 for category 8 in vitro diagnostic medical devices;
-21 July 2024 for category 9 industrial monitoring and control instruments, and for category 11. |
カテゴリー9の産業用監視制御装置とカテゴリー11 |
21(a) | Cd | Cadmium when used in colour printed glass to provide filtering functions, used as a component in lighting applications installed in displays and control panels of EEE | 電気電子機器のディスプレイと制御パネルを設定した照明用途の部品として使用され、フィルタリング機能を提供するカラー印刷ガラスに使用されたカドミウム。 | Applies to categories 1 to 7 and 10 except applications covered by entry 21(b) or entry 39 and expires on 21 July 2021. |
カテゴリー1-7,10(entry21(b)かentry39の用途を除く)に適用。 |
21(b) | Cd | Cadmium in printing inks for the application of enamels on glasses, such as borosilicate and soda lime glasses | ホウケイ酸塩とソーダ灰ガラスのようなガラス上のエナメル塗布用の印刷インク中のカドミウム | Applies to categories 1 to 7 and 10 except applications covered by entry 21(a) or 39 and expires on 21 July 2021. |
カテゴリー1-7,10(entry21(a)かentry39の用途を除く)に適用。 |
21(c) | Pb | Lead in printing inks for the application of enamels on other than borosilicate glasses | ホウケイ酸ガラス以外のエナメル塗布用の印刷インク中の鉛 | Applies to categories 1 to 7 and 10 and expires on 21 July 2021.’ |
1-7,10のカテゴリーに適用。 |
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | ||
29 | Pb | Lead bound in crystal glass as defined in Annex I (Categories 1, 2, 3 and 4) of Council Directive 69/493/EEC(1) | 指令69/493/EECの附属書Ⅰ(カテゴリー1、2、3、4)に制限された結晶ガラス中の鉛 |
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | ||
29 | Pb | Lead bound in crystal glass as defined in Annex I (Categories 1, 2, 3 and 4) of Council Directive 69/493/EEC (1) | 指令69/493/EECの附属書Ⅰ(カテゴリー1、2、3、4)に制限された結晶ガラス中の鉛 |
Expires on:
-21 July 2021 for categories 1-7 and 10;
-21 July 2021 for categories 8 and 9 other than in vitro diagnostic medical devices and industrial monitoring and ontrol instruments;
-21 July 2023 for category 8 in vitro diagnostic medical devices;
-21 July 2024 for category 9 industrial monitoring and control instruments, and for category 11. |
カテゴリー9の産業用監視制御装置とカテゴリー11 |
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | ||
32 | Pb | Lead oxide in seal frit used for making window assemblies for Argon and Krypton laser tubes | アルゴン・クリプトンレーザー管用のウィンドウアセンブル用のシールフリット中の酸化鉛 |
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | ||
32 | Pb | Lead oxide in seal frit used for making window assemblies for Argon and Krypton laser tubes | アルゴン・クリプトンレーザー管用のウィンドウアセンブル用のシールフリット中の酸化鉛 |
Expires on:
-21 July 2021 for categories 1-7 and 10,
-21 July 2021 for categories 8 and 9 other than in vitrodiagnostic medical devices and industrial monitoring and control instruments,
-21 July 2023 for category 8 in vitro diagnostic medical devices,
-21 July 2024 for category 9 industrial monitoring and control instruments, and for category 11.’ |
カテゴリー9の産業用監視制御装置とカテゴリー11 |
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | ||
37 | Pb | Lead in the plating layer of high voltage diodes on the basis of a zinc borate glass body | ホウ酸亜鉛のガラス体を基礎とした高圧ダイオードの表面被覆層の鉛 |
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | ||
37 | Pb | Lead in the plating layer of high voltage diodes on the basis of a zinc borate glass body | ホウ酸亜鉛のガラス体を基礎とした高圧ダイオードの表面被覆層の鉛 |
Expires on:
-21 July 2021 for categories 1-7 and 10;
-21 July 2021 for categories 8 and 9 other than in vitro diagnostic medical devices and industrial monitoring and control instruments;
-21 July 2023 for category 8 in vitro diagnostic medical devices;
-21 July 2024 for category 9 industrial monitoring and control instruments, and for category 11.’ |
カテゴリー9の産業用監視制御装置とカテゴリー11 |
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | ||
18(b) | Pb | Lead as activator in the fluorescent powder (1% lead by weight or less) of discharge lamps when used as sun tanning lamps containing phosphors such as BSP (BaSi2O5:Pb) | BSP (BaSi2O5:Pb)のような蛍光体を含む日焼け用ランプとして使用時の放電ランプ中の蛍光粉末(1wt%未満)の活性剤としての鉛。 |
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | ||
18(b) | Pb | Lead as activator in the fluorescent powder (1 % lead by weight or less) of discharge lamps when used as sun tanning lamps containing phosphors such as BSP (BaSi2O5:Pb) | BSP (BaSi2O5:Pb)のような蛍光体を含む日焼け用ランプとして使用時の放電ランプ中の蛍光粉末(1wt%未満)の活性剤としての鉛。 |
Expires on:
-21 July 2021 for categories 1-7 and 10;
-21 July 2021 for categories 8 and 9 other than in vitro diagnostic medical devices and industrial monitoring and control instruments;
-21 July 2023 for category 8 in vitro diagnostic medical devices;
-21 July 2024 for category 9 industrial monitoring and control instruments, and for category 11. |
カテゴリー9の産業用監視制御装置とカテゴリー11 |
18(b)-I | Pb | Lead as activator in the fluorescent powder (1 % lead by weight or less) of discharge lamps containing phosphors such as BSP (BaSi2O5:Pb) when used in medical phototherapyequipment | 医療光線療法装置に使用された場合、 BSP (BaSi2O5:Pb)のような蛍光体を含む放電ランプの蛍光粉末(1wt%未満)の活性剤としての鉛。 | Applies to categories 5 and 8, excluding applications covered by entry 34 of Annex IV, and expires on 21 July 2021.’ |
カテゴリー5と8 |
Exemption | 適用除外(日本語参考訳) | Scope and dates of applicability | 適用範囲と期限 | ||
42 | Pb |
Lead in bearings and bushes of diesel or gaseous fuel powered internal combustion engines applied in non-road professional use equipment: |
道路以外の業務用装置に適用される内燃エンジンを動かすディーゼル、ガス燃料のベアリングとブッシュ中の鉛。-エンジンの総排気量が15L以上または-エンジンの総排気量が15L未満で、そのエンジンが開始から全負荷の間の時間が10秒以下である用途に動作するよう設計されているか、もしくは鉱業、建設、農業のような過酷で汚い屋外の環境で通常のメンテナンスが行われていること。 |
Applies to category 11, excluding applications covered by entry 6(c) of this Annex.
Expires on 21 July 2024.’ |
カテゴリー11(AnnexⅢentry6(c)を除く)に適用。 |