(a) Creosote; wash oil
CAS No 8001-58-9, EC No 232-287-5
(b) Creosote oil; wash oil
CAS No 61789-28-4, EC No 263-047-8
(c) Distillates (coal tar), naphthalene oils; naphthalene oil
CAS No 84650-04-4, EC No 283-484-8
(d) Creosote oil, acenaphthene fraction; wash oil
CAS No 90640-84-9, EC No 292-605-3
(e) Distillates (coal tar), upper; heavy anthracene oil
CAS No 65996-91-0, EC No 266-026-1
(f) Anthracene oil
CAS No 90640-80-5, EC No 292-602-7
(g) Tar acids, coal, crude; crude phenols
CAS No 65996-85-2, EC No 266-019-3
(h) Creosote, wood
CAS No 8021-39-4, EC No 232-419-1
(i) Low temperature tar oil, alkaline; extract residues (coal), low temperature coal tar alkaline
CAS No 122384-78-5, EC No 310-191-5
1. Shall not be placed on the market, or used, as substances or in mixtures where the substance or mixture is intended for the treatment of wood. Furthermore, wood so treated shall not be placed on the market.
2. By way of derogation from paragraph 1:
(a) The substances and mixtures may be used for wood treatment in industrial installations or by professionals covered by Community legislation on the protection of workers for in situ retreatment only if they contain:
(i) benzo[a]pyrene at a concentration of less than 50 mg/kg (0,005 % by weight), and
(ii) water extractable phenols at a concentration of less than 3 % by weight.
(a) 物質および混合物は、産業施設において、または原位置退避のための労働者の保護に関する共同体法の対象となる専門家が木材処理に使用できるのは、以下のものを含む場合に限られる。
(i) ベンゾ[a]ピレンを50mg/kg(重量比0,005%)以下の濃度で含有する場合。
(ii) 水抽出可能なフェノール類の濃度が3重量%未満であること。
Such substances and mixtures for use in wood treatment in industrial installations or by professionals:
— may be placed on the market only in packaging of a capacity equal to or greater than 20 litres,
— shall not be sold to consumers.
Without prejudice to the application of other Community provisions on the classification, packaging and labelling of substances and mixtures, suppliers shall ensure before the placing on the market that the packaging of such substances and mixtures is visibly, legibly and indelibly marked as follows:
‘For use in industrial installations or professional treatment only’.
- 20リットル以上の容量を持つパッケージでのみ市場に出すことができる。
- 消費者に販売してはならない。
(b) Wood treated in industrial installations or by professionals according to subparagraph (a) which is placed on the market for the first time or retreated in situ may be used for professional and industrial use only, for example on railways, in electric power transmission and telecommunications, for fencing, for agricultural purposes (for example stakes for tree support) and in harbours and waterways.
(c) The prohibition in paragraph 1 on the placing on the market shall not apply to wood which has been treated with substances listed in entry 31 (a) to (i) before 31 December 2002 and is placed on the second-hand market for re-use.
3. Treated wood referred to under paragraph 2(b) and (c) shall not be used:
— inside buildings, whatever their purpose,
— in toys,
— in playgrounds,
— in parks, gardens, and outdoor recreational and leisure facilities where there is a risk of frequent skin contact,
— in the manufacture of garden furniture such as picnic tables,
— for the manufacture and use and any re-treatment of:
— containers intended for growing purposes,
— packaging that may come into contact with raw materials, intermediate or finished products destined for human and/or animal consumption,
— other materials which may contaminate the articles mentioned above.
3. 第2項(b)および(c)の処理を施した木材は使用しないこと。
- 目的が何であれ、建築物の内部に使用してはならない。
- 玩具に使用する。
- 遊戯場
- 頻繁に皮膚に接触する危険性のある公園、庭園、屋外のレクリエーション・レジャー施設
- ピクニックテーブルなどのガーデンファニチャーの製造。
- 製造、使用、再処理のためのもの
- 栽培を目的とした容器
- 人や動物の消費を目的とした原材料、中間製品、最終製品と接触する可能性のある包装材
- 上記の製品を汚染する可能性のあるその他の物質
CAS No 67-66-3, EC No 200-663-8
Without prejudice to the other parts of this Annex, the following shall apply to entries 32 to 38.
1. Shall not be placed on the market, or used,
— as substances,
— as constituents of other substances, or in mixtures in concentrations equal to or greater than 0,1 % by weight, where the substance or mixture is intended for supply to the general public and/or is intended for diffusive applications such as in surface cleaning and cleaning of fabrics.
1. 市場に出してはならない、または使用してはならない。
- 物質として。
- 物質または混合物が一般大衆への供給を意図している場合、および/または表面洗浄や布地の洗浄などの拡散用途を意図している場合、0.1重量%以上の濃度で、物質として、他の物質の構成要素として、または混合物として、上市または使用してはならない。
2. Without prejudice to the application of other Community provisions on the classification, packaging and labelling of substances and mixtures, suppliers shall ensure before the placing on the market that the packaging of such substances and mixtures containing them in concentrations equal to or greater than 0,1 % by weight is visibly, legibly and indelibly marked as follows:
‘For use in industrial installations only’.
By way of derogation this provision shall not apply to:
(a) medicinal or veterinary products as defined by Directive 2001/82/EC and Directive 2001/83/EC;
(b) cosmetic products as defined by Directive 76/768/EEC.
(a) 指令 2001/82/EC および指令 2001/83/EC で定義される医薬品または動物用製品。
(b) 指令 76/768/EEC で定義される化粧品。
CAS No 79-00-5, EC No 201-166-9
Without prejudice to the other parts of this Annex, the following shall apply to entries 32 to 38.
1. Shall not be placed on the market, or used,
— as substances,
— as constituents of other substances, or in mixtures in concentrations equal to or greater than 0,1 % by weight, where the substance or mixture is intended for supply to the general public and/or is intended diffusive applications such as in surface cleaning and cleaning of fabrics.
1. 市場に出してはならない、または使用してはならない。
- 物質として。
- 物質または混合物が一般大衆への供給を意図している場合、および/または表面洗浄や布地の洗浄などの拡散用途を意図している場合、0.1重量%以上の濃度で、物質として、他の物質の構成要素として、または混合物として、上市または使用してはならない。
2. Without prejudice to the application of other Community provisions on the classification, packaging and labelling of substances and mixtures, suppliers shall ensure before the placing on the market that the packaging of such substances and mixtures containing them in concentrations equal to or greater than 0,1 % by weight is visibly, legibly and indelibly marked as follows:
‘For use in industrial installations only’.
By way of derogation this provision shall not apply to:
(a) medicinal or veterinary products as defined by Directive 2001/82/EC and Directive 2001/83/EC;
(b) cosmetic products as defined by Directive 76/768/EEC.
(a) 指令 2001/82/EC および指令 2001/83/EC で定義される医薬品または動物用製品。
(b) 指令 76/768/EEC で定義される化粧品。
CAS No 79-34-5, EC No 201-197-8
Without prejudice to the other parts of this Annex, the following shall apply to entries 32 to 38.
1. Shall not be placed on the market, or used,
— as substances,
— as constituents of other substances, or in mixtures in concentrations equal to or greater than 0,1 % by weight, where the substance or mixture is intended for supply to the general public and/or is intended diffusive applications such as in surface cleaning and cleaning of fabrics.
1. 市場に出してはならない、または使用してはならない。
- 物質として。
- 物質または混合物が一般大衆への供給を意図している場合、および/または表面洗浄や布地の洗浄などの拡散用途を意図している場合、0.1重量%以上の濃度で、物質として、他の物質の構成要素として、または混合物として、上市または使用してはならない。
2. Without prejudice to the application of other Community provisions on the classification, packaging and labelling of substances and mixtures, suppliers shall ensure before the placing on the market that the packaging of such substances and mixtures containing them in concentrations equal to or greater than 0,1 % by weight is visibly, legibly and indelibly marked as follows:
‘For use in industrial installations only’.
By way of derogation this provision shall not apply to:
(a) medicinal or veterinary products as defined by Directive 2001/82/EC and Directive 2001/83/EC;
(b) cosmetic products as defined by Directive 76/768/EEC.
(a) 指令 2001/82/EC および指令 2001/83/EC で定義される医薬品または動物用製品。
(b) 指令 76/768/EEC で定義される化粧品。
CAS No 630-20-6
Without prejudice to the other parts of this Annex, the following shall apply to entries 32 to 38.
1. Shall not be placed on the market, or used,
— as substances,
— as constituents of other substances, or in mixtures in concentrations equal to or greater than 0,1 % by weight, where the substance or mixture is intended for supply to the general public and/or is intended for diffusive applications such as in surface cleaning and cleaning of fabrics.
1. 市場に出してはならない、または使用してはならない。
- 物質として。
- 物質または混合物が一般大衆への供給を意図している場合、および/または表面洗浄や布地の洗浄などの拡散用途を意図している場合、0.1重量%以上の濃度で、物質として、他の物質の構成要素として、または混合物として、上市または使用してはならない。
2. Without prejudice to the application of other Community provisions on the classification, packaging and labelling of substances and mixtures, suppliers shall ensure before the placing on the market that the packaging of such substances and mixtures containing them in concentrations equal to or greater than 0,1 % by weight is visibly, legibly and indelibly marked as follows:
‘For use in industrial installations only’.
By way of derogation this provision shall not apply to:
(a) medicinal or veterinary products as defined by Directive 2001/82/EC and Directive 2001/83/EC;
(b) cosmetic products as defined by Directive 76/768/EEC.
(a) 指令 2001/82/EC および指令 2001/83/EC で定義される医薬品または動物用製品。
(b) 指令 76/768/EEC で定義される化粧品。
CAS No 76-01-7, EC No 200-925-1
Without prejudice to the other parts of this Annex, the following shall apply to entries 32 to 38.
1. Shall not be placed on the market, or used,
— as substances,
— as constituents of other substances, or in mixtures in concentrations equal to or greater than 0,1 % by weight, where the substance or mixture is intended for supply to the general public and/or is intended diffusive applications such as in surface cleaning and cleaning of fabrics.
1. 市場に出してはならない、または使用してはならない。
- 物質として。
- 物質または混合物が一般大衆への供給を意図している場合、および/または表面洗浄や布地の洗浄などの拡散用途を意図している場合、0.1重量%以上の濃度で、物質として、他の物質の構成要素として、または混合物として、上市または使用してはならない。
2. Without prejudice to the application of other Community provisions on the classification, packaging and labelling of substances and mixtures, suppliers shall ensure before the placing on the market that the packaging of such substances and mixtures containing them in concentrations equal to or greater than 0,1 % by weight is visibly, legibly and indelibly marked as follows:
‘For use in industrial installations only’.
By way of derogation this provision shall not apply to:
(a) medicinal or veterinary products as defined by Directive 2001/82/EC and Directive 2001/83/EC;
(b) cosmetic products as defined by Directive 76/768/EEC.
(a) 指令 2001/82/EC および指令 2001/83/EC で定義される医薬品または動物用製品。
(b) 指令 76/768/EEC で定義される化粧品。
CAS No 75-35-4, EC No 200-864-0
Without prejudice to the other parts of this Annex, the following shall apply to entries 32 to 38.
1. Shall not be placed on the market, or used,
— as substances,
— as constituents of other substances, or in mixtures in concentrations equal to or greater than 0,1 % by weight, where the substance or mixture is intended for supply to the general public and/or is intended diffusive applications such as in surface cleaning and cleaning of fabrics.
1. 市場に出してはならない、または使用してはならない。
- 物質として。
- 物質または混合物が一般大衆への供給を意図している場合、および/または表面洗浄や布地の洗浄などの拡散用途を意図している場合、0.1重量%以上の濃度で、物質として、他の物質の構成要素として、または混合物として、上市または使用してはならない。
2. Without prejudice to the application of other Community provisions on the classification, packaging and labelling of substances and mixtures, suppliers shall ensure before the placing on the market that the packaging of such substances and mixtures containing them in concentrations equal to or greater than 0,1 % by weight is visibly, legibly and indelibly marked as follows:
‘For use in industrial installations only’.
By way of derogation this provision shall not apply to:
(a) medicinal or veterinary products as defined by Directive 2001/82/EC and Directive 2001/83/EC;
(b) cosmetic products as defined by Directive 76/768/EEC.
(a) 指令 2001/82/EC および指令 2001/83/EC で定義される医薬品または動物用製品。
(b) 指令 76/768/EEC で定義される化粧品。
Substances classified as flammable gases category 1 or 2, flammable liquids categories 1, 2 or 3, flammable solids category 1 or 2, substances and mixtures which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases, category 1, 2 or 3, pyrophoric liquids category 1 or pyrophoric solids category 1, regardless of whether they appear in Part 3 of Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 or not.
水と接触してカテゴリー1、2、3の引火性ガスを発する物質および混合物(自然発火性液体カテゴリー1か自然発火性固体カテゴリー1)。Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 Annex VI Part 3に関係なく。
1. Shall not be used, as substance or as mixtures in aerosol dispensers where these aerosol dispensers are intended for supply to the general public for entertainment and decorative purposes such as the following:
— metallic glitter intended mainly for decoration,
— artificial snow and frost,
— ‘whoopee’ cushions,
— silly string aerosols,
— imitation excrement,
— horns for parties,
— decorative flakes and foams,
— artificial cobwebs,
— stink bombs.
1. エアロゾルディスペンサーが以下のような娯楽および装飾目的で一般大衆に供給されることを意図している場合は、物質または混合物としてエアロゾルディスペンサーに使用してはならない。
- 主に装飾を目的としたメタリックグリッター
- 人工の雪や霜
- whoopeeクッション。
- silly string エアロゾル
- 模造排泄物
- パーティー用の角笛
- 装飾用のフレークやフォーム
- 人工クモの巣
- スティンクボム
2. Without prejudice to the application of other Community provisions on the classification, packaging and labelling of substances, suppliers shall ensure before the placing on the market that the packaging of aerosol dispensers referred to above is marked visibly, legibly and indelibly with:
‘For professional users only’.
2. 物質の分類、包装、表示に関する共同体の他の規定の適用を損なうことなく、供給者は、市場に出す前に、上記のエアゾールディスペンサーの包装に、目に見える形で、読みやすく、消えないように表示することを保証しなければならない。
3. By way of derogation, paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply to the aerosol dispensers referred to Article 8 (1a) of Council Directive 75/324/EEC (*).
4. The aerosol dispensers referred to in para graphs 1 and 2 shall not be placed on the market unless they conform to the requirements indicated.
(*) OJ L 147, 9.6.1975, p. 40.